Are you looking for an experienced board-approved supervisor on the Northshore? Then, look no further. I am now accepting PLPC's to supervise for licensure in the Slidell/Covington/Mandeville/Madisonville area. PM me, email me at, or call 985-326-9224 or 504-912-6513 for more information. I am a LPC Board-Approved Supervisor for Provisional Licensed Professional Counselors (PLPC) in Louisiana.
Nature of Supervision: I view supervision as a professional and mentoring relationship where we work together to help you develop the clinical knowledge and skills to help you meet your professional and clinical goals. Supervision will consist of tape review and critique, role-play, review of clients, and examination of counseling skills and techniques. My supervisory style is collaborative, trusting in the synergy of wisdom from both supervisor and supervisee pursuing the best in the supervisee for the best for the counselee. I will assist you to focus on the following skill and knowledge areas: therapeutic processes, personal awareness, diagnosis, conceptualizing, and administration. The process skills comprise psychotherapy techniques and other essential aspects of the interview process. Personal awareness refers the effort to be mindful of those aspects of your experience that relate to you as a person and the impact of these between you and your client. Diagnosis focuses on the understanding and use of the DSM-5 for diagnostic and treatment planning purposes. Conceptualizing focuses on how you think about, plan for, and analyze your cases. The administration function covers other aspects of psychotherapy from case notes to ethics, and licensure to business practices.
Theoretical Orientation of Supervision: I believe that supervisees change and develop as they progress through their clinical experiences. As such I work from a developmental framework of supervision that encompasses the roles of teacher, counselor, consultant, and evaluator. Most often I use the teacher, consultant, and evaluator roles. Generally, supervisors-in-training who are more seasoned will experience less 'teacher' role and more ‘consultant' role. The counselor role is used at those times when the supervisee's thoughts or feelings are stimulated by the client to the point where they may interfere with the efficacious treatment of the client. Any intervention, however, will be limited to treatment-related issues, as ethically I cannot provide therapy for you as part of my supervision. Evaluation is an important and integral part of the supervision process. Evaluation involves making judgments and providing feedback about the quality of work, need for improvement, and the observation of ethical boundaries. We will spend much of our time together focused on your work as a counselor, and my feedback will be ongoing, emphasizing process and progress rather than outcome. Verbal and/or written feedback will be given throughout the entire clinical experience by a variety of other means. At least once a year there will a formal, planned evaluation. This evaluation will be based on your goals and other mutually agreed upon criteria. The evaluation will be written and will become part of your administrative file.
$65 per individual supervision session and $35 per group supervision hour.
Appointments are usually scheduled through a collaborative agreement with each other and based on your supervision needs. Appointments are typically set at the close of each session. Appointments may be scheduled, rescheduled, or cancelled with me but I appreciate a twenty-four (24) hour notice. Failure to give notice for any appointment not cancelled twenty-four (24) hours in advance may result in a charge for the time reserved for you.